Recognizing that 90% of our First Nations communities have no public library, GoodMinds.com’s goal is to support, enhance, and expand library services to our communities. To achieve this goal, GoodMinds.com set up the Supporting Indigenous Libraries Today (SILT) Fund.

“I Believe that all First Nations across Canada should have access to a public library”
~ Achilles Gentle
With your help, we can support Indigenous Public Libraries in Canada.
GoodMinds.com contributes 5% of your sale to the SILT Fund!
Recent Donations

Over $8,000 Donated
Write to Read (W2R), Rotary Club, and GoodMinds.com are working together to support the Gitsegluka community library in B.C. with a donation of new books.
“Thank you GoodMinds.com for your continued support of the Write to Read Project (W2R). The response to the books from our communities has been amazing. For the kids it is the best part of the library. You are a true platinum sponsor of our project.”
~ Bob Blacker
Over $10,000 Donated
SchoolBOX partners with First Nations, Métis and Inuit youth leaders to ‘make education possible’ for kids in Indigenous communities across Canada, a territory with more than 634 First Nations and over 50 Indigenous languages.
The SchoolBOX North team had a GREAT day visiting Niisaachewan for the unboxing of a new shipment of books from GoodMinds.com and the installation of more shelves!
"When we opened the Learning Centre in Nisaachewan there was a mom who said 'I just never thought we could have something like this in our community'. The fact that families, kids & youth have access to books that reflect their families and cultures is so important for education and literacy but also for healing and cultural revitalization! Bernice, a community member of Nisaachewan and has helped bring this project to life, found it really hard to be able to get books for her kids who were avid-readers before they had a library. She had to drive back into the city after school before the library closed. Now she is trying to set up the NAN system to do inter-library loans to the Kenora Public library and provide advice and expertise to folks in the city—I think that’s pretty awesome!"
Click here to visit their website for more information.

$10,000 Donated
In partnership with SchoolBOX North, we're excited for Shoal Lake 40 First Nation's new upcoming community library and are happy we could help.
“It was the best when our community volunteers started unpacking the books with us and we got to see texts being browsed through and even held close as they said how they never had books like this when they were growing up. And then the story telling began as a book brought back memories… what an honour to be present as this unfolded. And we couldn’t have done it without you. Our hearts are full with gratitude.”

Donated $55,000 — $5,000 to 11 communities!
FHQ – Education support the second level education services and programming with a holistic approach for students, teachers, and schools, and prepares our learners to walk in two worlds. Grounded in culture, traditional knowledge, languages, and ways of being, our collective responsibility is to arm our learners with the tools and skills to succeed anywhere in the world.
“Thank you Goodminds.com for your generosity and your dedication to Indigenous literature. - FHQ Education Little Libraries Project!
Spring has sprung and we are so excited to announce that our Little Library Project is in the final stages of planning. We wanted to assist our member nations with breaking down the barriers to access quality books and we have to give a huge shout-out to GoodMinds.com for their generous donation of books to fill each Little Library. Their partnership in this project has been a dream come true and we can't thank this indigenous owned book company enough! So if you are looking to order fantastic indigenous literature, head on over to their website and order online!”

Thank you to everyone for shopping at Good Minds.com
and making the SILT fund possible!