Leonard Moose and Mary Moose tell us our Aadizookaanan or Sacred Stories were passed down for thousands of years, filling the long winter nights with Anishinaabeg Oral Histories, Philosophies, and Ceremonies. Maang, or the Loon, is one of these ancient stories that our Anishinaabeg Ancestors have gifted us. Illustrated by Leonard Moose.
In Anishinabemowin and English. Includes glossary.
There are many stories of the Loon. In this Aadizookaan, we will learn about Maang and the story of how Maang came to look the way this magnificent bird does today. The story of Maang is about how, through good deeds, we are rewarded. Maang is recognized by the good deeds with a necklace around Maang's neck and stars on Maang’s back. These markings on Maang are for all to see from generation to generation. “Maang” means “Grandmother, Keeper of the Lake”. We will also learn why Maang has a special place in the night sky as Giiwedinang, (North Star).