Learning and Teaching Community-Based Research: Linking Pedagogy to Practice is a collection of fifteen scholarly papers that examine Community-Based Research, or CBR. This collection is an unmatched source of information on the theory and practice of using CBR in a variety of university- and community-based educational settings. Developed at and around the University of Victoria, and with numerous examples of Indigenous-led and Indigenous-focused approaches to CBR, Learning and Teaching Community Based-Research will be of interest to those involved in community outreach, experiential learning, and research in non-university settings, as well as all those interested in the study of teaching and learning. Of particular interest are the following Indigenous and First Nation papers: Siem Smun’eem (Respected Children): A Community-Based Research Training Story by Mukwa Musayett (Shelly Johnson), Sandrina de Finney, Kundouqk (Jacquie Green), Leslie Brown, and Shanne McCaffrey; Learning and living community-based research. Graduate student collaborations in Aboriginal communities by E. Anne Marshall, Ruby Peterson, Jennifer Coverdale, Samantha Etzel, and Nancy McFarland; Walking side by side: Living Indigenous ways in the academy by Lorna Williams, Michele Tanaka, Vivian Leik, and Ted Riecken; and “But how do I put this dream catcher into my teaching dossier?” Learnings and Teachings from one faculty member’s tenure experience of documenting community based teaching and learning by Eileen Antone and Teresa Dawson. This is a valuable addition to CBR theory and practice.