Be a good Ancestor with your thoughts. Thoughts become ideas. Ideas become actions. Actions become movements. Movements become change.
Rooted in Indigenous teachings, this stunning picture book encourages readers of all ages to consider the ways in which they live in connection to the world around them and to think deeply about their behaviors.
Addressing environmental issues, animal welfare, self-esteem and self-respect, and the importance of community, the authors deliver a poignant and universal message in an accessible way: Be a good ancestor to the world around you. Thought-provoking stanzas offer a call to action for each one of us to consider how we affect future generations. Every decision we make ripples out, and we can affect the world around us by thinking deeply about those decisions. This book contains 16 Colour illustrations.
Leona Prince is from the Lake Babine Nation and Nak’azdli Whu’ten and belongs to the Likh Tsa Mis Yu (Beaver) Clan. She is a descendant of Chief Kwah and Stiche. Leona is an award-winning educator and is currently the District Principal of Aboriginal Education for School District 91 (Nechako Lakes). She is the author of A Dance Through the Seasons. Leona lives in Burns Lake, British Columbia.
Gabrielle Prince is from the Lake Babine Nation and Nak’azdli Whu’ten and belongs to the Likh Tsa Mis Yu (Beaver) Clan. Gabrielle is presently a full-time student at the University of Northern British Columbia, where she is pursuing a bachelor of science degree, majoring in psychology. She is the co-owner of Fireweed Canada Education Inc.
Carla Joseph is a Cree artist from Prince George, British Columbia. In 2016 Carla was the Artist in Residence for the Prince George Community Arts Council, and she has done design work for several organizations, including the Aboriginal Head Start Association of British Columbia, Northern Health, and the First Nations Health Authority.
2023 Blue Spruce Award™ Nominee JK-Grade 2, picture books