The Giant Bear: An Inuit Folktale is the new edition of the 2012 picture book from Inhabit Media told by Jose Angutinngurniq, Inuk author and storyteller. With Manga-like illustrations by Eva Widermann this 32-page picture book tells the exciting story of an Inuk hunter’s efforts to kill the giant polar bear or nanurluk. These bears lived long ago and were often covered by icy fur coats that resisted Inuit hunters’ spears. These were fearsome creatures and this traditional story recounts an Inuk hunter’s adventure. The man and his wife lived on the land in their snow house or iglu. One day the hunter noticed a huge breathing hole in the ice. The hunter carefully plans his next move to attack the sleeping bear beneath the ice. When he is prepared, the hunter wakes the bear. The bear attempts to free himself through the breathing hole but the wise hunter has made the hole too small for the bear to escape. The hunter succeeds and has plenty of meat for his family. The hunter’s careful hunting preparations and courage allows his family to prosper. This story was originally told to the author by his grandfather. It makes a great, action-filled read aloud for students in grade 2 and up. The details allow students to understand the Inuk hunter’s ingenuity and the reality of living in the Arctic. A helpful glossary and pronunciation guide are included. ATOS Reading Level: 5.4. Recommended.