Les Sept Enseignements Sacrés / Seven Sacred Teachings of White Buffalo Calf Woman (FR)

SKU: 9782896110476

David Bouchard, Claire Jobidon, Joseph Martin
Grade Levels:
Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Adult Education
Book Type:
Editions des Plaines
Copyright Date:

Sale price$24.95


The French translation of Seven Sacred Teachings of White Buffalo Calf Woman. This picture book from Metis author David Bouchard is co-written with Joseph Martin; Cree translator Mary Cardinal; and published by Les Editions des Plaines. This book is illustrated by Kristy Cameron. The book is packaged with a DVD featuring the story read in English, Cree, Ojibwe, French, South Slavey, and Chipewyan. The book combines the Seven Grandfather Teachings and the White Buffalo Calf Woman teachings into a coherent mix. The book begins with a foreword briefly explaining the teachings of White Buffalo Calf Woman told in first person. She explains that she taught the people the Seven Sacred Ceremonies: the Sun Dance; Coming of Age; the Peace Pipe; the Medicine Wheel; the Good Red Road; the Vision Quest; and the Sweat Lodge. The Seven Grandfather Teachings include Humility; Honesty; Respect; Courage; Wisdom; Truth; and Love. The book is produced as an art book with illustrations by Kristy Cameron and includes a DVD with the text told in French, and Ojibwe. The text is bilingual and appears in French and Ojibwe translations on each page. The text relates these moral truths to the lives of all people making it an excellent character education title.

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