From Bear Rock Mountain-FNCR20

SKU: 9781927366806

Antoine Mountain
Grade Levels:
Twelve, College, University
Book Type:
Brindle & Glass

Sale price$30.00


From Bear Rock Mountain: The Life and Times of a Dene Residential School Survivor, is the four-part memoir of artist and social activist Antoine Mountain, Dene. He endured residential schools as the Roman Catholic Church and the Government of Canada worked to destroy his language, culture and Dene identity. From Bear Rock Mountain is a dedication of Antoine Mountain’s true Dene self to children of future generations. Yet this is also a survivor’s perspective of residential schools and that these schools did not accomplish what they intended, a cultural genocide of Indigenous peoples. Instead of being a political condemnation, Antoine Mountain sees this is as part of communal uniqueness of First Nations and Euro-Americans. Managing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) through Indigenous ways of knowing and ceremonies, From Bear Rock Mountain is the stories, memories, reflections, musings, personal anecdotes, photographs, paintings, and poems of Antoine Mountain’s life. This book has a glossary of Dene words, colour photographs and source list. 

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